November Blog


*Service hours this month:** 2  **Total community service hours:** 12  

This month, I had the opportunity to volunteer with the BMS community to clean Pelican Park in Mandeville. It was a great experience, and I was grateful for the chance to meet the PhD students and learn from their life experiences in the medical research world. I had the pleasure of working with Vanessa, who is a final-year PhD student excited to graduate. I also had the opportunity to receive guidance and advice from her regarding my dental path. Additionally, this month we completed the Renal/Pulmonary Module, which was a very interesting and informative course. We learned a lot, particularly about how to treat hypertension, the mechanisms of ACE inhibitors, and diuretics in hypertension management. We also studied treatments for asthma and pulmonary diseases, which I found fascinating. I feel that I have developed significantly over the past couple of months and have greatly improved my knowledge of the medical field. I believe I have made substantial progress as a student and have grown since I started this program. I am excited to begin the next module, where we will be learning about the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.


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